
Un film di Geralyn Pezanoski. Con Karen O'Toole Documentario, durata 80 min. - USA 2009.

Four-Legged Survivors of Hurricane Katrina

di Manohla Dargis The New York Times

One from the heart, the documentary "Mine" relates yet one more wrenching, infuriating story about Hurricane Katrina and the devastation wreaked both by the storm and by human error and indifference. While many victims in the movie will look familiar — whether waving from their New Orleans rooftops after the levees broke in 2005 or talking about their ruined lives and homes afterward — the majority of the victims here have usually been seen only in the background, forlornly howling and wagging their tails. [...]

di Manohla Dargis, articolo completo (3620 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 15 gennaio 2010

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