Luck By Chance


A Bollywood Satire

di Neil Genzlinger The New York Times

It might seem as if Bollywood couldn’t possibly satirize itself — the genre is already so over-thetop — but Zoya Akhtar manages the trick deftly in “Luck by Chance,” an appealing tale of two would-be actors looking for movie stardom.
Vikram (Farhan Akhtar, the director’s brother) arrives in Mumbai from New Delhi hoping to crack the movie business, and he soon finds romance with Sona (Konkona Sen Sharma), who is a few years ahead of him in terms of making inroads but is still waiting for her big break. [...]

di Neil Genzlinger, articolo completo (1247 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 gennaio 2009

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Neil Genzlinger
Mark Olsen
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