Love n' Dancing

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Un film di Robert Iscove. Con Maulik Pancholy, Betty White, Caroline Rhea, Chris Ranney, Benji Schwimmer.
Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, - USA 2009.

Robert Abele

The Los Angeles Times

It is unfortunate when someone with a history of staging musical numbers and directing musical sequences can't make dialogue scenes flow. Such is the unfortunate dilemma that "Love N' Dancing" finds itself in under Robert Iscove, whose résumé includes choreographing the film "Jesus Christ Superstar" but also directing "From Justin to Kelly."
In other ways this swing-dancing romance emits an appealingly tender hum about the flush that comes when connecting with a new dance partner. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1409 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 8 maggio 2009

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Robert Abele
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