La dura verità |
Un film di Robert Luketic.
Con Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, John Michael Higgins, Nick Searcy, Kevin Connolly.
Titolo originale The Ugly Truth.
durata 100 min.
- USA 2009.
- Sony Pictures Italia
uscita venerdì 27 novembre 2009.
La dura verità
valutazione media:
recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.
The romantic comedy pairs a Type-A woman and loutish man to neither romantic nor comedic effect.
di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times
"The Ugly Truth" continues a pretty ugly run of romantic comedies squandering the on-screen talent while perpetuating the image of career women as harpies with nice clothes and no dates. The sex of the screenwriters doesn't seem to matter (all three credited here are women). Everyone belonging to the Writers Guild of America, apparently, has signed a secret pact to recycle the same shrill, Type-A, vaguely inhuman female lead who must learn to bend a little and appreciate the hunk in her midst, the one smitten with all her nutty foibles. [...]
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