Hannah Montana: The Movie

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The lesson that the movie, with its G rating and Disney imprimatur, imparts is that no matter how famous you are, family and friends should always be the foundation. And that's a wee bit boring

di Mary McNamara The Los Angeles Times

Hannah Montana: The Movie" is not so much a movie as it is a trial balloon to see if Miley Cyrus, with her big blue eyes, exceptionally white teeth and increasingly long limbs, can hold the big screen as effectively as she has the small screen. The answer is yes.
Even almost completely stripped of the zinger-driven physical comedy that marks "Hannah Montana" the television show and saddled with what may be the most ridiculous climactic situation in teen-movie history, the film allows Cyrus to deliver a solid ingénue performance, shimmering where she needs to shimmer, sassing where she needs to sass and, most important, continuing to offer audiences the image of a lovely but still recognizable real girl onto whom they can project their own dreams. [...]

di Mary McNamara, articolo completo (5515 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 aprile 2009

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