Get Low

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Un film di Aaron Schneider. Con Bill Murray, Robert Duvall, Lucas Black, Gerald McRaney, Sissy Spacek.
Drammatico, durata 100 min. - USA, Germania, Polonia 2009.


di Anthony Lane The New Yorker

A reclusive soul, played by Robert Duvall, lives in a creaking house. What the locals know of him is sketchy, so they color it in with wild imaginings: he is a bogeyman, almost a beast, and not to be approached. That was the case with Boo Radley, whom Duvall played in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” his film début, in 1962, and it remains the case in his latest film, “Get Low.” The bright-blond thatch of hair is long gone, replaced by the tangled beard of a prophet. The smooth young face of Boo, with bruise-like circles around the eyes, now bears the ruts of time, but some things haven’t changed. [...]

di Anthony Lane, articolo completo (5982 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 9 agosto 2010

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Multimedia Shop & Showtime
Emanuele Sacchi
Rassegna stampa
Sheri Linden
Anthony Arthur
Rassegna stampa
Anthony Lane
Anthony Lane
Torino Film Festival (2)
SAG Awards (1)
Critics Choice Award (1)

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