

The Great Evolutionist Bares His Own Soul

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

“Creation” sets out to tell a rich and momentous story, culled from the pages of history and full of present-day topical resonance. In the wake of personal tragedy and in the throes of illness and apprehension, Charles Darwin ( Paul Bettany ) organizes decades of thought and research into “On the Origin of Species.”
Not many books have been as consequential as “Origin of Species,” and Mr. Bettany’s Darwin, as imagined by the director Jon Amiel and the screenwriter John Collee, has more than an inkling of what the fallout will be. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (4763 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 22 gennaio 2010

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A. O. Scott
Sylviane Gold
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Anthony Lane
Peter Travers
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