

Survival Stories

di Anthony Lane The New Yorker

The year has barely begun, yet we already have a safe bet for best actress of 2010. Jenny, in Jon Amiel’s “Creation,” is certainly a hell of a role, beginning with an action sequence in the nude, switching to a flirtation scene—in which Jenny wears bloomers and a knitted top—with an ardent admirer, and closing with her demise, filmed in unremitting sorrow. So what if she’s an orangutan? A knockout is a knockout, whatever her descent. In reality, there were two Jennys, both at London Zoo. Queen Victoria was introduced to one of them, in 1842, and pronounced her “painfully and disagreeably human. [...]

di Anthony Lane, articolo completo (6907 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 25 gennaio 2010

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A. O. Scott
Sylviane Gold
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Anthony Lane
Peter Travers
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