

Making Darwin the Legend a Man Again

di Sylviane Gold The New York Times

PALE, winded, a blanket draped across his twitching knees, a sick, despondent man confides his woes to the minister who has stopped by. Stretching a sympathetic arm around the man's shoulders, the minister murmurs, "God moves in mysterious ways."
Yes, yes, the man agrees with a glower, adding that "he has endowed us — in all his blessed generosity — with not one but 900 species of intestinal worm."
As a comeback the line may not rank with "Make my day." But "900 species of intestinal worm" is a pretty fair rebuttal to the idea of a beneficent creator, and the minister doesn't try to argue. [...]

di Sylviane Gold, articolo completo (7344 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 17 gennaio 2010

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A. O. Scott
Sylviane Gold
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Anthony Lane
Peter Travers
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