Crank 2 - High Voltage

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In the sequel, Jason Statham has to shock himself to live. Yeah, right

di Sam Adams The Los Angeles Times

Balanced at the point where conceptual brilliance and pure stupidity meet, "Crank: High Voltage" turns its central character into a living embodiment of the action movie dictum: Never stop moving. Improbably surviving the airborne plummet at the end of the movie's 2006 predecessor, short-fused hit man Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) is faced again with an imminent need for constant excitement, this time owing to a newly installed but flagging artificial heart that can be recharged only by a direct electric shock -- the equivalent of sticking his finger in a light socket. [...]

di Sam Adams, articolo completo (2499 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 18 aprile 2009

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