
Un film di Chris Smith. Con Michael Ruppert Documentario, durata 82 min. - USA 2009.

Robert Abele

The Los Angeles Times

As a documentary-portraiture complement to this weekend's release of the end-times blockbuster "2012," there's Chris Smith's "Collapse," an alternately frightening and mournful talkathon starring the conspiracy theories of ex-LAPD cop-reporter-author Michael Ruppert. Filmed in a spare basement made to feel like an interrogation chamber, the cigarette-smoking, mustached Ruppert -- whose fringe notoriety can be traced to his 1970s claims that the CIA asked him to run drugs -- unloads a byzantine, impassioned case for society's full-speed-ahead doom. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1394 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times

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