
Un film di Miguel Necoechea (II). Con Martin Sheen, Kirk Harris, Alex Perea, Danny Perea, Sofía Espinosa.
Titolo originale The Kid. Drammatico, durata 97 min. - USA, Messico 2009.

Michael Ordoña

The Los Angeles Times

"Chamaco" (The Kid) is a boxing drama with an unusually high ring IQ. But its most memorable aspects are its candid, disturbing views of life on the streets of Mexico City, informed by a strong cast. Abner (Álex Perea) is an angry teen who dreams of becoming a professional fighter, but though he's long on guts, he's short on skill. He and his streetwalker sister (Danny Perea of the excellent "Duck Season") cling to each other to survive their abusive father, while Abner's sweet girlfriend sells crystal meth under the heel of a corrupt cop. [...]

di Michael Ordoña, articolo completo (1510 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 27 agosto 2010

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