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Master filmmaker Claude Chabrol ends his career with this sadly bland footnote.

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

Recently deceased master filmmaker Claude Chabrol's 50th and final feature, "Inspector Bellamy," proves a sadly bland footnote to an illustrious and influential career. A member of the French new wave movement who became known for such Hitchcockian suspense thrillers as "Le Boucher," "This Man Must Die" and "La Femme Infidèle" (among many others), Chabrol takes a decidedly slack approach here in his portrayal of Paul Bellamy (a rotund Gérard Depardieu), a renowned Parisian police detective who investigates a crime while on an extended countryside vacation with his affable wife, Francoise (Marie Bunel). [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1453 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 dicembre 2010

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