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Un film di Mira Nair. Con Ewan McGregor, Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Mia Wasikowska, Christopher Eccleston.
Biografico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 111 min. - USA 2009. - 20th Century Fox Italia uscita mercoledì 23 dicembre 2009. MYMONETRO Amelia * 1/2 - - - valutazione media: 1,65 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Earhart’s Mystique Takes Wing Again

di David Carr The New York Times

FAME is fleeting, of course, but certain forms of it are stickier than others. More than seven decades after her death the aviatrix Amelia Earhart still fascinates. Called Lady Lindy for her willingness to attempt ill-advised, even foolhardy feats, she has been the subject of more than 100 books, and her name is plastered on bridges, Navy ships, museums and festivals throughout the United States and points beyond. Now she is the subject of a biopic, “Amelia,” directed by Mira Nair, starring Hilary Swank and opening Friday, which reverently portrays a celebrity who remained remarkably irreverent and curiously humble until her death while trying to circumnavigate the globe. [...]

di David Carr, articolo completo (8054 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 18 Ottobre 2009

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