44 Inch Chest

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Men's Laws

di David Denby The New Yorker

The new British movie "44 Inch Chest" is a very strange, often terrible affair that is nevertheless mesmerizing, in a limited way. Five of the best actors in England have been handed a ranting, foulmouthed script by Louis Mellis and David Scinto, the same vituperative pair who wrote the wonderful "Sexy Beast," in 2000. As in that movie, the actor Ray Winstone is the loving husband at the center of the story—here a Londoner named Colin Diamond. An emotional bloke, tending toward corpulence, Colin comes home one night with flowers for his wife of twenty-one years, Liz (Joanne Whalley), only to be told coolly that the marriage is over—she has met someone else. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (4191 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 1 febbraio 2010

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Kevin Thomas
Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
David Denby
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