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When the World Hangs in the Bilance, a Reliable CalendarI s Needed

di Manohla Dargis The New York Times

I know what I have against Roland Emmerich — "The Patriot," for starters — but what does he have against us? He's bombarded Earth with alien death rays, big-footed it with a rampaging reptile and put it into deep freeze. Now in "2012," his latest apocalyptic folly, he cracks the planet like a nut, splitting its crust, toppling its mountains and cities, and laying its every creeping thing to inevitable tedious waste.
Maybe he's angry. (His last movie, "10,000 B.C.," was widely panned.) To judge from the similarity with which he stages the multiple disaster sequences in "2012" — a limo, a camper, a plane, a bigger plane and some really big boats, by turns, race ahead of the impending doom — he seems exhausted. [...]

di Manohla Dargis, articolo completo (4944 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 13 novembre 2009

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