Voy a explotar


Fugitive Up on the Roof Then Out of the Road

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

The boredom and nagging discontent that drive Roman (Juan Pablo de Santiago) and Maru (Maria Deschamps), the fugitive teenage sweethearts in Gerardo Naranjo’s small, jagged melodrama “I’m Gonna Explode,” is palpable enough to make you squirm at the memory of being trapped in the limbo of early adolescence. Roman, the neglected son of a Mexican government official in Guanajuato, has grandiose outlaw fantasies of assassinating authority figures. Maru, who is pretty in an unformed way, latches on to Roman as the catalyst for which she has been waiting to give direction to her empty life. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3449 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 14 agosto 2009

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