Visual Acoustics


A documentary looks at life's floor plan for architectural photographer Julius Shulman, but, following his lead, it's mostly about the houses.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

"Visual Acoustics" is nominally about the life and career of landmark Southern California architectural photographer Julius Shulman, but it's more about the buildings he photographed than it is about him. Which is probably the way he'd like it. Not that Shulman, who died in July at age 98, was any kind of shrinking violet. Quite the contrary. As revealed in this respectful documentary by Eric Bricker, Shulman could be cantankerous and never hesitated to speak his mind. When actress Kelly Lynch tells him "You are a rock star," he takes it all in stride. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (2530 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 ottobre 2009

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Andy Webster
Kenneth Turan
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