

Betsy Sharkey

The Los Angeles Times

We see the boots first, then the leather cigarette case, the silver lighter -- all very worn, very male -- in the seedy motel room where sounds of sex, raw and desperate, fill the air. But appearances are rarely what they seem in "Trucker." It will be the woman who shrugs off the night; the boots and the rest are hers too. Lean and sinewy, she heads for an 18-wheeler in the parking lot out front, slides behind the wheel and kicks the engine into a dull roar. As the road stretches out in front of her, only then does she breathe easy. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4332 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 ottobre 2009

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Stephen Holden
Betsy Sharkey
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