Transporter 3

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Jason Statham returns in the action franchise that also features Natalya Rudakova, and Corey Yuen contributes fight choreography

di Christopher Borrelli The Los Angeles Times

Transporter 3" -- the latest installment of cinema's extended meditation on the hidden perils of overnight delivery -- stars bullet-headed Jason Statham, who bears the Mark of the Modern Bond, which is to say his veins are pumped with ice water and his soul is in perpetual traction. His character's straightforward name, Frank Martin, is just as chilly and soulless.
If you have not seen the "Transporter" pictures, I would like to say there is so much mythology here you'll need an explainer and flow chart. [...]

di Christopher Borrelli, articolo completo (3195 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 26 novembre 2008

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