The Yellow Handkerchief


Strong performances and nimble direction combine to make this sensitive road film a trip worth taking

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

Pete Hamill's Reader's Digest story "The Yellow Handkerchief" inspired Yôji Yamada's appealing 1977 film of the same name, and now it has become the basis for a new movie, also of the same name but not really a remake.
Screenplay writer Erin Dignam and director Udayan Prasad have taken the plot outline of the Yamada film and created original characters in a rural post-Katrina Louisiana, captured in evocative images by master cinematographer Chris Menges.
This "Yellow Handkerchief" is a gentle, low-key road movie, centering on the eternal need to love and to trust, suffused in the humanist spirit that has won its veteran producer, Arthur Cohn, three Oscars. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (2074 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 17 dicembre 2008

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Kevin Thomas
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