L'amore impossibile di Fisher Willow


A new Tennessee Williams heroine emerges in this unpolished yet intriguing 1920s tale, directed by Jodie Markell and starring Bryce Dallas Howard.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

A troubled woman with a difficult past, humidity that hangs like condemnation in the air and a drawl as thick as honey, if not always as sweet. That's Tennessee Williams country and it's right where we find Bryce Dallas Howard's Memphis heiress, Fisher Willow, in "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond," a prospecting venture into a once rich creative vein. Like Fisher, the film is lovely, if flawed. It is the first feature from director Jodie Markell, a Memphis native herself, from a screenplay the famed man wrote in the late '50s in hopes of collaborating again with director Elia Kazan, with whom he arguably had his greatest screen success with 1951's "A Streetcar Named Desire. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (5417 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 dicembre 2009

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