L'amore impossibile di Fisher Willow


Tennessee Williams Returns to the BIG Screen

di Charles McGrath The New York Times

GORE VIDAL once remarked that if Tennessee Williams had nothing better to do, he would rewrite something he had already published. Almost until the day he died, in February 1983, Williams kept working, and not just on plays. He also turned out poems, novels, short stories, screenplays. The Williams archive is so vast that much of it is still uncataloged, and there are also works that are hiding in plain sight. “The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond,” a script he wrote in 1957, when he was at the peak of his fame and powers, was collected in an anthology of his screenplays in the mid-’80s but remained unproduced until recently, when Jodie Markell, who had never directed a feature before, exhumed it. [...]

di Charles McGrath, articolo completo (8040 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 27 dicembre 2009

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