The Reflecting Pool

Un film di Jarek Kupsc. Con Jarek Kupsc, Joseph Culp, Lisa Black (II), Alex Hyde-White, Dominick LaRae.
Drammatico, durata 106 min. - USA 2008.

Trade Secrets

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

The problem with “The Reflecting Pool,” an investigative drama that mucks around with 9/11 conspiracy theories, is not that its ideas are silly. Strictly from an imaginative point of view, there is something unnerving about the weirdly elegant way the towers fell. And not just the north and south buildings but also the adjacent 7 World Trade Center, a smaller edifice, suffering much less damage, that collapsed in an identical manner but received far less coverage from — what’s the phrase I’m looking for? — oh yes: a complicit, propaganda-foisting media/industrial complex in the pocket of the Bush administration and the Jews and the oil industry!
Er, to continue. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (1449 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 11 Luglio 2008

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