The Pirates Who Don'T Do Anything: A Veggietales Movie

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Un film di Mike Nawrocki. Con Mike Nawrocki, Phil Vischer, Tim Hodge, Colleen Curtis, Megan Murphy Animazione, - USA 2008. - Universal Pictures

The children's franchise delivers an entertaining spoof as the vegetables find the heroes in themselves.

di Kevin Crust The Los Angeles Times

Strange thoughts can occur when watching a movie populated entirely by vegetables. For instance, do Veggie Pirates get scurvy or beriberi?
If there was a VeggieTales version of "The Silence of the Lambs" -- which, arguably, is pretty unlikely -- would Hannibal Lecter be a vegetarian or would the fava beans simply become the main dish with a side of kidney?
Without arms, how do the vegetable actors pick things up so easily? (They don't have legs either, for that matter, but get around with a kind of modified bunny hop. [...]

di Kevin Crust, articolo completo (3459 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 11 gennaio 2008

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