The Little Red Truck

Un film di Rob Whitehair. Con J.K. Simmons Documentario, Ratings: Kids, durata 98 min. - USA 2008.

Hey kids, let's put on our own show

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

Parents eager to venture outside the animation or talking-Chihuahua boxes for family entertainment should check out Rob Whitehair's documentary "The Little Red Truck," an inspiring look at a diverse array of youngsters introduced to the joys of stage performing.
The invaluable notion that artistic endeavor can boost a child's self-esteem forms the heart of the film as it follows 250 kids spread among five varied communities -- from Hollywood to Rankin Inlet, Canada -- who stage one-hour musicals in six swift days when the venerable Missoula Children's Theatre comes to town in its little red truck (hence the title). [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1412 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 ottobre 2008

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Gary Goldstein
Rassegna stampa
Nathan Lee
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