The Little Red Truck

Un film di Rob Whitehair. Con J.K. Simmons Documentario, Ratings: Kids, durata 98 min. - USA 2008.

Small Eyes on the Big Stage

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

All year long, all across North America, the bright-eyed actor-directors of the Missoula Children's Theater disembark from their little red trucks in towns both big (Los Angeles) and small (Somerton, Ariz.) to put on shows.
On Monday they hold auditions with the local children. By Tuesday they're rehearsing a musical version of a classic story: “Robin Hood,” “The Little Mermaid.” By Friday, they hope, all the kids know their lines, songs and cues, and by Saturday it's on with the costumes, on with the dress rehearsal and on to the big night: the performance of an hourlong musical that has come together — more or less — in just one week. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (1606 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 12 Settembre 2008

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Gary Goldstein
Rassegna stampa
Nathan Lee
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