The Cool School


The birth of cool at an L.A. gallery

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

The Cool School is a vital and essential look at the way scenes are born, the happenstance confluence of people, places and ideas, focusing on the one that sprouted around an art gallery in Los Angeles as the 1950s blossomed into the heady experiments of the '60s. The Ferus Gallery on La Cienega Boulevard, run at its peak by Walter Hopps and Irving Blum, held the first exhibition of Andy Warhol's groundbreaking soup cans, but more notably gave a home to such artists as Ed Kienholz, John Altoon, Billy Al Bengston and Ed Ruscha, who were burgeoning from the expanding cultural nexus of L. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (1326 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 23 maggio 2008

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Manohla Dargis
Mark Olsen
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