The Black Balloon

Un film di Elissa Down. Con Rhys Wakefield, Luke Ford, Toni Collette, Erik Thomson, Gemma Ward.
Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 97 min. - Australia 2008.

Sheri Linden

The Los Angeles Times

Eschewing feel-good bromides in favor of messy authenticity, "The Black Balloon" is a tough-minded coming-of-age drama. At the center of the Australian independent film is 15-year-old Thomas, who as the son of a career army man is adjusting to yet another new school. He's also taking tentative steps toward first love. But overshadowing the usual teen conflicts and thrills are the constant pressures of being younger brother to Charlie, who's severely autistic and suffers from ADD.
Filmmaker Elissa Down has drawn terrifically natural performances from her cast, which includes Toni Collette as the boys' relentlessly cheery and sensible mother. [...]

di Sheri Linden, articolo completo (2113 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 dicembre 2008

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Sheri Linden
Festival di Giffoni (1)

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