

A Ballplayer, Seeks a Hit, a Hit Film

di John Anderson The New York Times

WHEN Anna Boden stepped up to introduce her new movie, “Sugar,” to the opening-night crowd of the Dominican Republic Global Film Festival in November, she felt like a rookie reliever staring down at an All-Star lineup. “It was totally nerve racking,” she said. “I was introducing the film and looking out at these huge stars. Sammy Sosa. Pedro Martinez. Big Papi.”
“And the president of the country,” added Ryan Fleck, her co-writer and director.
But even the country's president, Leonel Fernández, would defer to the star power of his island nation's leading export: big-time baseball players. [...]

di John Anderson, articolo completo (6996 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 29 marzo 2009

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