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Strong performances and an underused supporting cast can't save this family tale from its flaws

di Kevin Crust The Los Angeles Times

The melodrama of a broken family haunted by its past, a perennial favorite of independent filmmakers, gets a forceful but ultimately flawed workout in "Sleepwalking."
Terrific performances and a bleak, riveting look at life on the economic fringes eventually gives way to an overly familiar tale of abuse, denial and catharsis that feels like warmed over Sam Shepard minus the poetry.
Charlize Theron, one of the film's producers, plays Joleen, a woman whose boyfriend -- the latest in a long string of losers -- gets busted for growing pot. [...]

di Kevin Crust, articolo completo (3134 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 14 marzo 2008

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