Sherman's Way


Odd pair lost in wine country

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

In the American indie "Sherman's Way" a privileged, stuffed-shirt Yalie (Michael Shulman) making a beeline for an internship at a San Francisco law firm gets sidetracked in Napa Valley with a shaggy, past-his-prime Olympic skier named Palmer (James LeGros) who's nursing back to health a neglected mid-'70s MGB Roadster.
It's lost-in-life meets lust-for-life in the reliably regenerative wine country, which means most moviegoers could hand this emotionally stranded odd couple a road map of where they'll be by the closing credits. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1358 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 13 marzo 2009

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Robert Abele
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