Revolutionary Road

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Un film di Sam Mendes. Con Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kathryn Hahn, David Harbour, Ryan Simpkins.
Titolo originale Revolutionary Road. Drammatico, durata 119 min. - USA, Gran Bretagna 2008. - Universal Pictures uscita venerdì 30 gennaio 2009. MYMONETRO Revolutionary Road * * * - - valutazione media: 3,08 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Strong performances steer this 1950s marital drama out of a period-picture trap

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Based on the celebrated Richard Yates novel of 1950s conformity, "Revolutionary Road" is initially as trapped in that benighted decade as its protagonists. It takes the skill of stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio and director Sam Mendes to get this film to a place where it involves and moves us -- which it finally does -- but it is a near thing.
The story of a young married couple, disappointed dreamers who both wonder how their lives came to be so different than their aspirations and question whether they have the fortitude to make a change, "Revolutionary Road" finds itself hampered by factors that were so intrinsic to the original project that they couldn't be removed. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (9468 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 26 dicembre 2008

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