Racconto di Natale

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Un film di Arnaud Desplechin. Con Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Paul Roussillon, Mathieu Amalric, Emile Berling.
Titolo originale Un conte de Noël. Drammatico, durata 150 min. - Francia 2008. - Bim Distribuzione uscita venerdì 5 dicembre 2008. MYMONETRO Racconto di Natale * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,74 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Candy and Coal in a Gallic Stocking

di Dennis Lim The New York Times

“A CHRISTMAS TALE,” the new feature by the French director Arnaud Desplechin, is haunted by the ghosts of holiday movies past — and not just the ones you’d expect.
From Mr. Desplechin’s breakthrough romantic roundelay, “My Sex Life, or How I Got Into an Argument” (1996), to the overstuffed tragicomedy “Kings and Queen” (2004), his restless, raw-nerved movies are a testament to his wide-ranging cinephilic appetites, and more than most filmmakers, he is quick to own up to his influences.
“A Christmas Tale,” which follows the fractious Vuillard clan through a maelstrom of seasonal cheer and resentment, owes a debt to Ingmar Bergman’s autobiographical magnum opus, “Fanny and Alexander,” which opens with one of the most famous Christmas gatherings in movies. [...]

di Dennis Lim, articolo completo (10603 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 2 Novembre 2008

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venerdì 5 dicembre 2008
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