Quid pro quo


Carina Chocano

The Los Angeles Times

Given its pitch-black subject matter, you'd expect "Quid Pro Quo" to take a quick nose dive into something dank and lurid, never to emerge. Instead, writer-director Carlos Brooks and stars Nick Stahl and Vera Farmiga do something unexpectedly moving with this modern noir detective story, in which a wheelchair-bound NPR reporter descends into the world of "wannabe" amputees and paraplegics.
Isaac's (Stahl) strange trip begins when an anonymous caller contacts the editor of the popular public radio show for which Isaac works with a tip about a man who walked into Bayside Hospital the night before and requested that a perfectly good leg be amputated. [...]

di Carina Chocano, articolo completo (2099 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 13 giugno 2008

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Stephen Holden
Carina Chocano
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