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Medical students dabble on the dark side in this gleeful horror-fest celebrating bad behavior

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

Pathology" is a nasty, naughty little film, a delightfully disagreeable horror-thriller about a group of medical students who engage in unusual extracurricular activities. Milo Ventimiglia (a familiar face from TV's "Heroes" and "Gilmore Girls") plays a clean-cut, straight-arrow medical student who finds himself thrown in with a group of burned-out fellow pathology residents in the Los Angeles county morgue. Soon after being introduced to their heavy drinking, meth smoking and kinky sex, Ventimiglia's character is initiated into the group's most outré hobby, a game by which one of them kills someone and the rest have to determine the increasingly obscure and baroque method. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (2737 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 21 aprile 2008

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