Of Time and the City

Un film di Terence Davies. Documentario, durata 74 min. - Gran Bretagna 2008.

Terence Davies' poetic documentary looks at life, loss and Liverpool

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

Of Time and the City" is a difficult film to describe but a distinct pleasure to experience. A cinematic essay, a documentary and a memory piece, all at the same time, it is more than anything an unapologetically poetic film that allows British director Terence Davies to ruminate on Liverpool, the city of his birth, and his own life and times there.
If you've seen Davies' autobiographical dramatic films, especially 1988's brilliant "Distant Voices, Still Lives" and its sequel, "The Long Day Closes," you know how effective a director he is when dealing with his past as the youngest of 10 children in a difficult household. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (3784 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 gennaio 2009

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