Of Time and the City

Un film di Terence Davies. Documentario, durata 74 min. - Gran Bretagna 2008.

Remembrance of Liverpool Past

di Dennis Lim The New York Times

IN “Of Time and the City,” a new documentary by Terence Davies, the city is his hometown, Liverpool, and the time, true to form for this most Proustian of filmmakers, is the past. “The golden moments pass and leave no trace,” Mr. Davies, who narrates the film, says at one point, quoting Chekhov. But his backward-glancing movies are proof to the contrary. They consist almost entirely of traces, constellations of hallowed people and places recalled with an intensity that verges on the religious.
“Of Time and the City,” which had its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival last year, opens at Film Forum in Manhattan on Jan. [...]

di Dennis Lim, articolo completo (8234 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 11 gennaio 2009

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