Medicine for Melancholy


A Short-Term Affair Leads to Big Questions

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

“Everything about being indie is tied to not being black,” says Micah (Wyatt Cenac), half of the accidental kind-of couple whose one-day romance is chronicled in “Medicine for Melancholy.” He is making an observation — and also registering a complaint — about the quasi-bohemian way of life he shares with Jo' (Tracey Heggins), his temporary other half. It bothers Micah that their embrace of the folkways of urban hipsterism seems to require the suppression of their African-American identity.
But his words, which Jo' doesn't quite agree with, also suggest a degree of self-awareness, and self-questioning, on the part of Barry Jenkins, who wrote and directed this small, incisive film. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (4762 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 gennaio 2009

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