Mamma Mia!

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Un film di Phyllida Lloyd. Con Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Julie Walters.
Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 108 min. - USA, Gran Bretagna, Germania 2008. - Universal Pictures uscita venerdì 3 ottobre 2008. MYMONETRO Mamma Mia! * * * - - valutazione media: 3,33 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Does Your Mother Know You Sing Abba Tunes?

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

Even those of us who habitually favor serious, austere, aesthetically correct drinks — single-malt Scotch, green tea, pomegranate juice, whatever — may occasionally indulge in a frivolous cocktail bedecked with fruit and umbrellas and served in a bulbous, sugar-rimmed glass. The next morning’s headache seems a small price to pay for the rush of cheap liquor and uninhibited conviviality. As long as you don’t operate heavy machinery or wake up in the wrong bed, or operate heavy machinery in the wrong bed, what’s the harm?
All of which is to say: Don’t be afraid of “Mamma Mia!” (That exclamation point, by the way, is part of the title, and it’s by far the most understated thing about the movie. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (6493 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 18 Luglio 2008

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