La Guerre des Fils de la Lumière Contre les Fils des Ténèbres

Un film di Amos Gitai. Con Jeanne Moreau, Hippolyte Girardot, Emmanuelle Devos, Dominique Blanc, Daniel Duval.
Titolo originale Plus tard. Drammatico, durata 89 min. - Francia, Germania 2008.

In need of some judicious editing

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

The Holocaust is a film subject that, for good reason, rarely inspires subtlety. Veteran Israeli director Amos Gitai takes the decidedly opposite approach -- to detrimental effect -- in his ponderously low-key adaptation of Jérôme Clément's autobiographical novel, "One Day You'll Understand."
This potentially potent story, set against the 1987 trial of Lyon Gestapo head Klaus Barbie, involves Victor (Hippolyte Girardot), a Catholic-raised French businessman obsessed with his family's Jewish roots. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1392 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 dicembre 2008

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