Kit Kittredge: An American Girl


Based on the popular doll and book franchise, the movie gives its audience a lesson on the Great Depression and empathy

di Michael Ordoña The Los Angeles Times

Usually when a movie springs from a line of toys, it's bone-chilling news for the parents who'll be dragged along for an afternoon of brain death -- "Bratz," anyone? "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl," however, while sprouting from high-rent dolls and a popular book series under the American Girl banner, doesn't feel like a mere marketing ploy. It appeals to kids while evoking genuine emotion without excessive sentimentality.
The series seeks to personalize history by telling inspirational stories set in specific historical contexts with young heroines whom today's girls might find relatable. [...]

di Michael Ordoña, articolo completo (2341 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 20 giugno 2008

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