If You Are the One 2

Un film di Feng Xiaogang. Con You Ge, Qi Shu, Yao Chen, Honglei Sun, An Yixuan.
Titolo originale Fei cheng wu rao 2. Commedia rosa, durata 125 min. - Cina 2008.

A May-December romance that started in the first movie moves to a matrimonial phase in this sequel. The Chinese film has a gorgeous setting and a mildly charming plot.

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

A sequel to one of China's biggest box office hits, the wry romantic comedy "Fei Cheng Wu Rao 2" ("If You Are the One 2") — the first Chinese release to open in its homeland and North America on the same day — continues the odd-couple courtship saga of wealthy, middle-aged retiree Qin Fen (Ge You) and serious-minded young air hostess Xiaoxiao (Shu Qi). After an amusing prelude in which Qin presides over a lavish divorce ceremony for an amicably splitting married couple, he and Xiaoxiao decide to address their own relationship barriers — her youth and beauty, his cynical, childish sense of humor — by entering into a trial marriage while on a trip to the country's tropical southeast. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1457 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 24 dicembre 2010

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