Death in Love


A Holocaust survivor's sons struggle to break free of their domineering mother and her tainted past any way they can.

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

It's no surprise that writer-director Boaz Yakin ("Fresh," "Remember the Titans") had to self-finance "Death in Love," a film so personal and uncompromising that it's hard to imagine even the most daring investor backing anything so bold. Though the end result is bound to polarize audiences, it's nonetheless a head-turning, visionary achievement. Josh Lucas plumbs the depths of his tarnished golden boy persona as the complex, sexually haunted 40-year-old son of a volatile Holocaust survivor (a remarkable Jacqueline Bisset) who must keep his damaged family together while wrestling with his own all-consuming demons. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1590 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 17 luglio 2009

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Gary Goldstein
Stephen Holden
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