Death in Love


When the Demons Haunt You, Blame Yourself

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

Boaz Yakin’s film “Death in Love” is a personal cri de coeur that begins and ends with piercing screams. The main characters, a Holocaust-haunted Jewish family of four living in Manhattan in 1993, are left unnamed. Its protagonist, the older of two sons, played by Josh Lucas, is a self-loathing 40-year-old con man who runs a fraudulent modeling agency that specializes in grooming average-looking women for careers that will never materialize.
With his Asian boss (Vanessa Kai) he is carrying on an intense sadomasochistic affair that involves biting, slapping, punching and bondage but no intercourse. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3452 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 17 Luglio 2009

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Gary Goldstein
Stephen Holden
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