
Un film di Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass. Con Ross Partridge, Steve Zissis, Greta Gerwig, Elise Muller, Jett Garner.
Commedia, durata 84 min. - USA 2008.

Michael Ordoña

The Los Angeles Times

It would be best to simply recommend "Baghead" without any description so its surprises could remain intact. Nevertheless . . .
The characters are struggling actors with relationship complications who decide to write a movie to showcase themselves. But wait! It's much better than it sounds. There's a scary guy with a bag on his head (or perhaps just the idea of such a guy), the excruciating awkwardness of failed seduction, resonant snapshots of different kinds of love and some genuinely startling moments. [...]

di Michael Ordoña, articolo completo (1366 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 25 luglio 2008

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