4 Amiche e un Paio di Jeans 2


The sequel is a refreshing look at female friends

di Jessica Reaves The Los Angeles Times

In the current popular culture, female friendships -- at any age -- are generally considered secondary to life's "important" relationships, the romantic bonds between men and women. Nowhere is this depressing trend more evident than in Hollywood, where story lines putatively about women's friendships tend toward the saccharine ("Mona Lisa Smile"), the malicious ("Mean Girls") or the boy-crazy (take your pick).
Which is why it's such a pleasure (and a relief) to encounter movies such as "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. [...]

di Jessica Reaves, articolo completo (3148 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 6 agosto 2008

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Jessica Reaves
Stephen Holden
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