Young Yakuza

Un film di Jean P. Limosin. Documentario, - Francia 2007.

Alex Beaupain tunes easily integrate into a tall, dark Parisian's story of self-discovery

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

For the beguiling and bittersweet "Love Songs," French writer-director Christophe Honoré has imaginatively strung together the plaintive music and lyrics of 13 Alex Beaupain tunes, some of them already extant, others written specifically for the film. So well integrated are the songs, which enrich the story and its characters immeasurably, that dialogue flows into them with an easy naturalness. An attractive and talented young cast brings this graceful film alive in all its tenderness and emotion. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1969 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 4 aprile 2008

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Mark Olsen
Kevin Thomas
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