Where God Left His Shoes


At Christmas, Seeking Shelter From the Storm

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

A fishy odor of unearned sanctimony clings to “Where God Left His Shoes,” Salvatore Stabile's queasy-making drama about a homeless New York family seeking shelter on a snowy Christmas Eve. The movie, which stars John Leguizamo as Frank Diaz, an illiterate, washed-up boxer who is the breadwinner for a family of four, including two stepchildren, flaunts irreconcilable ambitions. One moment it pretends to be a sober, neo-realist document; the next it's a shameless tearjerker in the mode of “The Champ. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (2335 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 12 dicembre 2008

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Stephen Holden
Gary Goldstein
Festival di Giffoni (1)

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