Un nuovo marito per mamma

Un film di Lance Rivera. Con Morris Chestnut, Faizon Love, Gabrielle Union, Katt Williams, Jill Marie Jones.
Titolo originale The Perfect Holiday. Commedia, Ratings: Kids, - USA 2007. - Sony Pictures Italia

For a Single Mother, Mr. Claus Is Mr. Right

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

In “The Perfect Holiday” Nancy (Gabrielle Union), a divorced mother of two boys and a girl, glumly faces Christmas in New Jersey without a man in her life. Rubbing salt in her wounds is her ex-husband, J-Jizzy (Charlie Murphy), a preening rap star with whom she is locked in a custody battle. Swathed in chinchilla, he is stymied on his current project, a Christmas album that includes gems like “I Love the Ho Ho Hos.”
When Nancy’s daughter, Emily (Khail Bryant), overhears Mom confiding to a friend that all she wants for Christmas is a compliment from a man, she passes along the wish to the handsome Santa at the local mall. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (2196 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 12 dicembre 2007

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